OMB M-21-31: Is Your Federal Agency Ready?

By February 2023, Federal agencies will be required to be in compliance with OMB M-21-31’s “Intermediate” maturity level 2 and be able to capture and store all packet data for a minimum of 72 hours to protect against cybersecurity threats. Is your agency ready?

Hear from Riverbed’s Senior Technical Architect Joe Cabral as he discusses:

  • Breakdown of OMB M-21-31 specific maturity tiers (EL0 – EL3)
  • Implications of the upcoming EL2 compliance deadline
  • Immediate steps your agency can take to ensure compliance
  • Storage requirements needed to ensure 72-hour packet capture
  • How Riverbed’s Alluvio Unified Observability solutions ensure EL2 compliance and set up agencies to successfully meet EL3 compliance in August 2023

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