Current as of:  December 1, 2021


Riverbed Business Continuity Planning (“BCP”) documents the mitigation, preparation, warning, response and business continuity arrangements for Riverbed’s core processes and environment. Riverbed’s BCP objective is to provide for restoration and continuation of Riverbed’s core processes and environment when a disaster occurs. A disaster is an event that significantly reduces Riverbed’s ability to provide normal services to its customers. Some examples of potential disasters include:

  • Natural: earthquakes, tornado, hurricane, etc.
  • Human: national disturbance, civil unrest, pandemic
  • Technical: infrastructure breakdown – loss of network, telephone or other critical business systems


Riverbed’s BCP leverages industry-best practices and standards derived from ISO 27001 and NIST 800-34 to ensure a stable and robust operational structure.

Each Riverbed critical business function is responsible for contributing to Riverbed’s BCP.

  Critical Business Function   Owner
  Manufacturing   Vice President, Manufacturing
  IT Services   Chief Digital Officer
  Human Resources   SVP, Human Resources
  Financial Services   Chief Financial Officer
  Building Services   Senior Director, Facilities
  Corporate Services (including Customer Support)   Chief Operating Officer

Riverbed has developed and maintains a detailed Business Continuity Management System (BCMS); Riverbed’s BCMS encompasses:

  • Business Continuity Management Processes
  • Business Continuity Plan (BCP) (including Disaster Recovery)
  • Crisis Management Team (CMT) Plan
  • Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Exercise and Audit

Riverbed makes available an executive summary of its BCMS Documentation upon request.

The Governance Committee (consisting of members from senior management) is responsible for overseeing Riverbed’s BCP and has the sole authority to issue disaster declarations. The Crisis Management Team (CMT) consists of three (3) teams responsible for the successful execution of Riverbed’s business continuity plan and disaster recovery efforts. Both the Governance Committee and CMT receive training during BCP development.

BCP Assessment

Each critical business function must perform a risk assessment and business impact analysis to identify significant risks/threats and prioritize critical functions based on financial and non-financial impact to the organization.

All critical business functions must identify critical process dependencies which include systems, applications, people, facility, vendor/supplier, and any other necessary resources to recover the critical function.



Manufacturing Operations

Riverbed’s manufacturing operations are geographically distributed. Manufacturing BCP is focused on the resiliency of Riverbed’s supply base and manufacturing partners and ensuring the continuity of supply through controlled, predictable responses in any disaster event.

IT Services

Riverbed IT maintains a hot failover disaster recovery site in the midwest United States. Riverbed has migrated email and file storage to cloud services allowing for additional redundancy and accessibility in the event of a business disruption. Riverbed’s BCP provides for IT system fail-over and recovery to a geographically separate data center site.

Human Resources & Building Services

Riverbed is headquartered in San Francisco, California and has offices globally. Large offices include Sunnyvale, CA; Bethesda, MD, Cambridge, MA; Hoofddorp, Netherlands; Bracknell, UK, and Bangalore, India – all of which can serve as a secondary site should Riverbed’s headquarters be impacted by a business disruption. System and process capabilities are redundant at multiple offices allowing personnel to re-locate to another office to continue work. If relocating to another office is not an option, Riverbed provides full remote access capabilities to access critical systems, communication tools, and files.

Financial Services

Riverbed’s BCP incorporates Business Impact Analysis (“BIA”); BIA estimates the financial impacts of a disaster on Riverbed’s operation across all critical business functions. Riverbed’s senior management leverages financial resources and commitments to ensure the allocation of sufficient, properly trained and supported personnel, financial, and other resources to ensure BCP sustainability.

Corporate Service

  • Customer Support: Riverbed offers its customers 24/7 global support. Support’s BCP has documented recovery strategies that include workarounds for processes to resume servicing customers. Riverbed Support leverages systems that are architected with resiliency and redundancy to mitigate any customer disruption.
  • Cloud Services: Riverbed’s product portfolio includes various hosted and/or SaaS solutions (“Cloud Services”). Riverbed’s Cloud Services are designed to ensure redundancy and recoverability. The specific controls and/or measures related to BCP / DR are set forth in the Cloud Service documentation that accompanies the applicable Cloud Service and/or that Riverbed makes generally available upon request.
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